A font can contain one or more palettes that allow a host application to quickly change the color scheme. By using palettes you can make different color schemes that allow your font to use different colors with, for example a different background color.
Color palettes and the COLR extension
This section describes how color palettes work with the COLR extension.
The palette colors are global, so if you change a color which is assigned to several color members, then all those members will use the updated color. If you want a unique color for a specific color glyph member, then add a color to the palette and use that instead.
When in Color Mode you can assign colors to specific members, by selecting the Paint Bucket tool from the Drawing Toolbar and click on one of the color glyph members in the Glyph panel. You can change the current color by clicking on one of the palette entries in the Palette panel.
The color palettes are not fully supported by all web browsers and software. Read more about it in our online color tutorial:
See also: