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High-Logic, which was founded in 1997 by Erwin Denissen, is a privately held company headquartered in Bilthoven, The Netherlands. With over 79000 customers in more than 170 countries, High-Logic provides professional font editing and font managing software at affordable prices to customers worldwide. The company address can be found on the contact us page.

Our company logo (transparent 2140x458 pixels)


High-Logic has three products for Windows:

  • FontCreator, the world's most popular font editor
  • MainType, a powerful and intuitive font manager
  • Scanahand, a font generator that allows you to make your own handwriting font in a couple of minutes


You may use these badges to let other people know you love our software. If you add a badge to your website, let us know!

We also have a special page about promoting MainType.