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MainType – Tutorials

Get started with MainType through these tutorials. The tutorials are very short because MainType is so easy to use. Suggestions for new tutorials are welcome.

Quick Start Tutorial

This short and easy font manager tutorial explains how to get started with MainType. Is explains how to add fonts to the MainType library, how to show OpenType layout features, tag fonts, and how to copy and paste characters.

Video Tutorials

A list of several video tutorials made by MainType users. They explain all about font folders, groups, tagging, custom views, sorting columns, creating font catalogues, printing and exporting fonts, and more.

650K Font Library

We consider a library with over 50,000 (fifty thousand) fonts a large library, but some of our customers have over 650,000 fonts which they happily manage with MainType.


MainType comes with a utility that allows you to make backups. This tutorial shows how to make and restore backups, and also covers some more advanced features.


FmsProxy is a small program that runs in the background. It usually runs without issues, but if it no longer runs, read this tutorial.

No More Plugins

This tutorial explains why MainType 9 no longer includes plug-ins, and provides other ways to ensure your documents use the correct fonts.